Global NES of Oregon Helping To Pave A Bright Future!

Global NES of Oregon is a world leader in providing a comprehensive 360 Degree Approach to New Energy Solutions.

Global NES of Oregon specializes in energy efficiencies methodologies and renewable energy technologies powered by clean sustainable solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy sources. We partner with businesses, governments and industrial clients to identify, design, finance, and build new energy solutions that deliver energy efficiency and take advantage of today’s most innovative renewable energy technologies.

We develop a custom designed system, meeting the energy needs of your company and your community. Renewable Energy solutions deliver long term financial and environmental benefits that are critical for success in today’s demanding markets.

Global NES offers a 360° Approach:
• We listen to our customers in order to fully understand our clients goals and objectives
• We complete an in-depth, state of the art energy evaluation and analysis to determine efficiency, as well as, system options that meet our client’s needs
• We propose and implement energy reduction measures reducing overall energy consumption
• We design and build innovative renewable systems that reduce or eliminate energy expense
• We partner with our clients to deliver financial options and incentives that maximize Return on Investment
• We continue our relationship beyond project completion to ensure a long-term, sustainable solution was delivered

Global NES of Oregon Helping To Pave A Bright Future!

Is Renewable Energy Right For Me?
Renewable energy has a broad-based appeal. The end-line consumer is a homeowner, landlord, retail business owner, farmer, rancher, manufacturer, school, hospital, church, apartment complex owner and virtually anyone who pays a utility bill.

Your motivation:
• Supplementing your energy needs or providing 100% of the power for your location or facility
• Renewable energy offers an opportunity to become self-sufficient
• Revenue generation by selling the energy you produce to tenants or back to the utility providers themselves.
• Reduce your carbon footprint on this planet by reducing emissions and use or dependency on fossil fuels.

No matter what your needs or desires are, we have the solutions for you.

Financing and Incentives
As part of the Global NES 360 Degree Approach, we work closely with our Clients to ensure the right financing options are presented and utilized, as well as our Clients take advantage of all state and federal incentives. The coordination of financing and incentives are critical in delivering a complete project and maximizing Return on Investment.

Global NES offers a wide variety of financing options including traditional financing packages, lease options and Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). We have an extensive network of financial relationships and partners specializing in financing and investing in renewable energy solutions. Our network includes financing options from the following sources:

• Traditional Financial Institutions
• Leasing Companies
• Investment Banks
• Hedge Funds
• Insurance Companies
• Private Investors
• Venture Capital Firms

Federal and State Incentives
We work closely with our Clients to identify and present the best financial options. We then work hand in hand with our Clients and financing partners to prepare and complete a financial package that maximizes the opportunity for project completion and delivers maximum Return on Investment for our Clients.

There are currently a growing number of local, state and federal incentives designed to help companies develop and expand renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. These incentives can dramatically help fund or offset project costs, and include some of the following:

• Government and Private Grants
• Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBS)
• Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI)
• Favorable Financing Terms
• Rebates
• Tax Incentives and Deductions

With the complexity and rapidly growing number of incentives, it can be overwhelming and challenging to ensure the right incentives are identified and taken advantage of. Global NES works with corporate Clients to make sure all the local, state and federal incentives are identified and fulfilled. These incentives can play a critical role in defining a project’s overall financial outlook, determining cost savings and maximizing Return on Investment.

Energy Efficiency
As part of the Global NES 360° Approach we utilize state of the art technology to analyze and evaluate building infrastructure, systems and processes. Our expert engineering teams identify, design and implement integrated energy reduction solutions that optimize efficiency and maximize savings.

Global NES begins with an in-depth energy analysis and evaluation focusing on building construction, occupancy patterns, mechanical and electrical systems including HVAC and lighting. We design, present and coordinate energy reduction measures that improve facility efficiency, reduce operating cost and maximize shareholder value.

Benefits of Energy Reduction Measures
• Reduce operating expenses and improve cash flow by dramatically reducing energy/utility consumptions
• Identify and reduce energy waste
• Capitalize on federal tax deductions and other government incentives
• Increase the value of your facility
• Decrease maintenance time and costs
• Secure favorable interest rates and terms through Green Financing Options
• Make a positive contribution to the environment by reducing your carbon foot print and greenhouse gas emissions

Global NES also partners with our Clients to ensure maximum Return on Investment by identifying and coordinating favorable financing options and ensuring Clients take advantage of all possible rebates, grants and tax incentives. Please Feel Free To Contact Us For More Information, Or To Schedule Your Free Energy Analysis.

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npower Welcomes Cash Rewards For Low Carbon Electricity And Heating

npower has welcomed the Government’s announcement regarding Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) levels and urged consumers to buy now to take advantage of the Government scheme.

The scheme offers financial assistance when installing solar PV panels, potentially earning customers £986 per year.

Julia Lynch-Williams, Director of Energy Services for npower, commented: “According to Government calculations, consumers generating their own electricity from solar PV panels could earn approximately £986 per year from tax free generation payments and bill savings combined.

“The new Feed-in-Tariff arrangement means homeowners have the opportunity to earn more than ever before from generating their own electricity and together with a grant, solar is certainly a more attractive investment than it’s ever been. Given that the Government has increased generation levels since the consultation in July, now definitely looks to be the best time to buy.”

With a typical installation costing around £12,000, FITs will see the payback period considerably reduced.

npower has seen enquiries in solar panels increase by 200 per cent since the Feed-in-Tariffs were first announced in July 2009, and expects this trend to continue.

To help homeowners take advantage of FITs, npower solar offers a complete ‘one-stop-shop’ service including site survey, grant application support, installation and buy back of excess energy.

npower’s website includes guidance for homeowners on solar installations, including a suitability calculator which tells homeowners whether their property is suitable for solar installations and offers a free estimate for installation.

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BPU’s Townsend and Johnson receive 2010 Black Achievers Award

Patrice Townsend, Key Account Utility Specialist for the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities and Cynthia Johnson, Superintendent of Stores, were recently named recipients of the 2010 Black Achievers in Business and Industry Award, sponsored by the Southern Leadership Christian Conference of Greater Kansas City and the Black Achievers Society. Townsend and Johnson were honored at a Recognition Dinner on January 14, 2010.

BPU's Townsend and Johnson receive 2010 Black Achievers Award

The Black Achievers Award is awarded to African Americans in middle to upper management business positions in Kansas City who display corporate accomplishment, better their community through civic and philanthropic activity, and mentor others around them to exceed and achieve.

“Patrice and Cynthia are terrific well-respected utility employees, professional in their work capacity and active within the community,” stated Don Gray, General Manager of the BPU. “Both have achieved greater responsibility within the organization, continued their education and professional development, and remained active in civic and other causes.”

Townsend, a 25-year employee with the BPU, worked her way up from a Customer Service Representative to the key position she holds today, where she acts as the primary liaison to key utility customers. In the community, she has served on the Board of Directors for the United Way of Wyandotte County, is president of the BPU’s Employee Foundation, Inc., coordinates the Annual Day of Caring within the community, assists with Back-to-School Project fundraising efforts, and organizes BPU’s support for the KCK Housing Authority’s “Christmas in the City” annual event. Townsend graduated from Sumner High School , attended Kansas City , Kansas Community College where she earned an Associates Degree in Business, received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Rockhurst College , and is currently working towards a Master of Arts Degree in Management and Leadership from Webster University.

Johnson, a 24-year employee with the BPU, has also achieved positions of greater responsibility, working her way up from Stock Control Clerk to her position today in which she is responsible for all inventory management and control of the utility’s five logistic warehouses. In the community, she is a 2009 graduate of Leadership 2000, a nine-month leadership initiative that trains area leaders in community service. Johnson also assists two faith-based community projects that assist in clothing the homeless and elderly, and assisting battered women. In her church, she serves as a key administrator for its community outreach programs that administers through theatrical productions and serves as Superintendent of Christian Education. Johnson graduated from Washington High School , and has participated in numerous training and professional development courses offered by BPU.

About BPU
BPU is a public utility that serves approximately 65,000 electric and 51,000 water customers, primarily in Wyandotte County, Kansas. The mission of the utility and its 640 employees is “to be the utility of choice and the workplace of choice, while improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.” Go to for more information.

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npower Bill Gets Top Marks For Plain English And Clarity

npower is introducing new bills for its customers. The new bill, based on extensive research and feedback from customers, call centre staff and consumer groups, has received the Plain English Campaign’s Crystal Mark for clarity for its information page.

The front page of the new bill has been designed with a ‘less is more’ approach. It is extremely clear and easy to read, with the front page summary now simply showing the customer’s account details; npower’s customer service number; exactly how much the customer owes or is owed; whether the bill is estimated or based on a meter reading; and emergency contact details.

On the second page, there is a ‘jargon buster’ section, which clearly explains the unavoidable technical terms that have to be included on any energy bill, such as ‘calorific value’ and ‘correction factor’. It also talks customers through ‘what’s a watt?’ and explains exactly how npower works out customers’ bills.

The third page, detailing how the customer’s account balance has been calculated, has been amended to make the calculations clearer and also includes an energy usage graph so that customers can compare their usage over a set period of time to the corresponding period the previous year.

“Our discussions with customers and stakeholders have told us that people want their energy bills to be clearer and simpler; they want to know how much they have to pay and how that amount has been calculated,” explained Chris Johnson, managing director of npower’s retail operations.

“This is just one of the ways in which we’re working hard to improve our service to customers: we’re committed to listening to our customers, understanding what they want, and delivering products and services that meet their needs.”

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Guide To Stay Safe And Warm In A Winter Power Cut

Householders are being urged to cut out and keep a handy guide on staying safe and warm in the event of a winter power cut. The guide was pulled together by, the independent price comparison and switching service, after many households were left without power during the recent big freeze.

Emma Bush, energy expert at, says:”With this winter expected to be the coldest in 30 years and more snowfall predicted to be on the way, consumers should be as prepared as possible for any further power cuts.

“Energy companies will always try to get the supply back up and running again as quickly as possible, but in severe weather such as snow this can take time. If you are disabled, chronically ill, elderly or have young children in your home, let your supplier know as they may need to make you a priority.”

The cut out and keep guide to surviving a winter power cut:

1.Be prepared - make sure you keep torches, spare batteries, candles and matches in an easy to get to cupboard or drawer and that all your family knows where they are. Keep a battery-powered radio tuned into a local station for information and have important numbers stored on a charged mobile phone.
2.Check - turn off all your electrical appliances and lights, but leave one light switched on so you know when the power is back on. Check whether neighbours have power or not. If it’s just your home affected, check your fuse box first before calling your supplier.
3.Stay warm - this is a priority. If a power cut leaves you without any heating move the whole family into one room, preferably south facing, and make sure you wear several layers of clothing, including a hat, scarf and coat if necessary. Use sleeping bags for extra warmth.
4.Stay safe - you can use other forms of heating such as paraffin stoves, but always read the instructions carefully and make sure the room is well ventilated. If you’re going to cook on a BBQ make sure you only do it outdoors. Never leave candles or heating appliances in unoccupied rooms.
5.Store water - if a power cut lasts for more than a few hours you will need to start storing water as the water supply may start to be affected. Fill saucepans, buckets, empty bottles or even the bath with water. If you are able to boil some water keep it in thermos flasks for warm drinks and fill hot water bottles to help stay warm.
6.Keep food fresh - if the freezer loses power do not open the door unless you have to, frozen food can last for around a day. The fridge is more of a problem, but if it is cold enough you can store food outside. Use a cardboard box with newspaper to stop it from freezing though.
7.Be a good neighbour - check on any elderly or vulnerable neighbours. If they’re struggling to keep warm invite them into your home – the more bodies, the more heat and the safer they should be.
8.Sub zero - if the temperature falls below freezing use towels and blankets to help insulate exposed water pipes. The last thing you need is a burst pipe.
9.After the power cut - check water pipes for leaks, reset electric timers and clocks and check the food in your freezer. If food has thawed do not refreeze as it could make anyone eating it ill.

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£319 Million Investment Could Spell Future Bill Misery For Consumers

Ofgem yesterday published final proposals for funding the first tranche of projects from a potential GBP1 billion package of extra investment in Britain’s high-voltage networks. The first tranche, totalling GBP319 million, will help connect Great Britain’s growing renewable electricity generation. However, this is just part of a much broader GBP233.5 billion investment programme that is expected to add GBP548 a year in total onto household energy bills, warns, the independent price comparison and switching service. And while the investment is needed, consumers must start preparing for the eventual impact on their energy bills.

Will Marples, energy expert at, comments: “This announcement is one of many that consumers can expect to hear about huge investments being made to secure our longer-term energy supplies. The investment is crucial, but there can be no doubt that it will have an impact on our future energy bills and this has to be explained to consumers now so that they can start taking action to protect themselves in the future.

“The average household energy bill today is GBP1,239 a year and the additional cost of investment alone is expected to add GBP548 a year onto our bills. Ongoing pricing trends coupled with this investment could see household energy bills hit as high as GBP4,733 a year by 2020, nearly four times higher than they are today.

“This is a wake-up call for us all. The GBP5,000 a year energy bill may seem like an outside possibility, but we have to remember that energy bills doubled in the last five years alone and that the huge investment needed to keep the lights on in Britain will alone add GBP548 a year onto our bills. The fact is we are entering a new era of high cost energy and households will have to adapt their behaviour accordingly.

“Consumers have to start taking action now to future-proof themselves against far higher energy bills. My advice is to invest in making your home more energy efficient, reduce the amount of energy you use and make sure you are paying the lowest possible price for it. Big projects such as a new energy efficient boiler or home insulation can be expensive, but you can speak to your supplier or the Energy Saving Trust to see if you can get any financial support to help with it. Any savings you make through cutting the price of your energy could also be re-invested into energy efficiency measures so that you reap even greater rewards in the future.”

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EnergieVair Offers Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, Inverters And All You Will Need For Your Renewable Energy System

EnergieVair ( is one of the world’s leader in the industrial sector of Renewable Energies. It is a compagny based in Canada that supply, install and make the promotion of Renewable Energies, all over the world. The new year 2010 seems very promissing for EnergieVair that can now count on new distributors in Europe and Africa. Also, they’ve just published, on the 1st of jan. 2010, their new website, all refreshed with new shopping kart options and many more interesting products. From now on, you can also read other buyer’s review and feedback about the product you are about to purchase. Be sure to do it the right way!

EnergieVair now offers an even wider variety of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT), from more than 4 design that will match your needs, even if you are in low-wind zones or urban locations. EnergieVair also offers horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT), for gust-wind regions. Want to maximize your system’s efficiency? We suggest hybrid installations using Solar Panels and Wind Turbines.

Maybe you are far away from Canada? Dont worry, EnergieVair ships worldwide and they’ll find an affordable way for the goods to reach you. All of their products (Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Regulators, Inverters, Converters, etc.) are under warranty for long-term periode, to assure you a constant input of electricity, and a peace of mind.

If you are off the grid, without electricity, you will probably need an independant system, using batteries. If you are already connected to the grid, you would probably like to lower your electric bills by connecting your Wind Turbine or Solar Panels directly to the grid, without batteries. This is the easiest and most affordable way to do it! No matter what system you need, EnergieVair will help you! Come and visit their new website and see by yourself the wide choice of good quality Renewable Energy products, at very low prices. If you are not sure yet, contact their friendly customer’s service for an immediat consultation, assistance or advise. You will get a reply withing 48 hours.

The cost for traditional and polluting energy sources are rising. On the other hand, the cost for Renewable and green Energies are falling. It is now more possible than ever to live in respect with the environment and save some electric fees. Whatever you want to do, you can do it NOW! Wired in parallel with the public electricity (grid), as an independent electric system, as an emergency power supply, to electrify a camp, a boat or a RV, or even to heat a place, with EnergieVair, the possibilities are INFINITE!

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Door Step Energy Salesmen Must Provide A Written Quote From Today

The move is in response to growing concerns over doorstep selling and particularly the fact that many consumers end up on a worse deal after speaking to an energy company salesman. According to research almost 7 million UK households have taken out an energy plan through a direct salesman, but less than a quarter of these (22%) believe they got a good deal.

Door Step Energy Salesmen Must Provide A Written Quote From Today

The new system of providing written quotes means that consumers will have proof of the deal they have been offered. But, importantly, the onus will still be on consumers to check for themselves whether it is the best plan they could be on.

Ann Robinson, Director of Consumer Policy at, says: “This new rule is not about making sure consumers get the best deal, or even a better deal. It’s about making sure they have written proof of what they’ve been offered. It is then down to them to take this information and check for themselves whether they will be better off or not.

“The key thing is that consumers understand that the quote is not a guarantee that they will be saving money. Direct salesmen are not obliged to tell people about their company’s most competitive plans. These tend to be online and are around GBP300 a year cheaper than standard plans so consumers signing up with a salesman without comparing first could still lose out.

“Over a third of people (37%) think that energy salesmen don’t present them with enough information to make an informed decision while almost half (45%) don’t like the fact that the seller only represents one energy supplier. The new quotation system doesn’t tackle these issues, but it does mean consumers can protect themselves by taking the quotes and comparing prices before signing on the dotted line.”

As well as the requirement for written quotes, Ofgem is also increasing the threshold for debt blocking for prepayment meter (PPM) customers from GBP100 to GBP200. This means that those with a debt on their meter of up to GBP200 could now switch to a better deal opening up the opportunity for them to save money. The regulator has also brought in new rules on SME energy, but has backed off banning suppliers from rolling SME contracts over.

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New Small Business Energy Rules ‘Confusing’

Ofgem’s new rules for the small business energy market come into play yesterday – Monday 18th January, 2010. While designed to give greater protection to Britain’s SMEs, according to, the dedicated SME price comparison and switching service, the rules are in danger of confusing business owners and put too much onus on them to take action.

Jake Ridge, small business expert at, says:”Ofgem is doing the right thing in offering Britain’s SMEs greater protection in the energy market. However, these new rules have fallen far short of the simple blanket ban on evergreen or rollover contracts that was initially proposed and, as a result, are in danger of confusing busy SME owners.

“Small businesses need to understand the rules quickly to ensure that they benefit from the additional protection being offered. The key thing is that the rules only apply if you are a micro-business so check whether you qualify and let your energy company know straight away if you do. This means that when you come to renew your contract your supplier must provide you with clear written details of the full terms and conditions plus ensure you get suitable notice so that you can shop around for a new deal. Check with your supplier if you are unsure when your current contract will end.

“You also now have the right to opt out of being rolled-over – as soon as you sign a new energy deal let the supplier know you are opting out and this means that you can only be put onto a 28 day notice rollover plan at the end of your contract leaving you free to move to a better deal.

“The rules are complicated and unfortunately put too much onus on SME owners. But it’s a step in the right direction and should hopefully see more small businesses avoid the expensive trap of ‘evergreen’ energy contracts.”

The new rules only apply to micro-businesses, which Ofgem defines as a company that meets any one of the following criteria:
•Consumes less than 200,000 kWh of gas per annum
•Consumes less than 55,000 kWh of electricity a year
•Has less than ten employees (or the full-time equivalent) and an annual turnover or annual balance sheet total of Euro 2 million or less.

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npower Encourages Homeowners To Act Fast To Save Cash

npower has announced that thousands of fast-acting homeowners will be the first in England to benefit from the new Government boiler scrappage scheme as the Energy Saving Trust posts application forms for consumers to claim the £400 discount.

First to receive the details are those who have already registered with the Energy Saving Trust. Thousands of forms are being issued on the first day alone. With only 125,000 grants available on a first come first serve basis, energy company npower is urging homeowners wanting to benefit from the scheme to register quickly to avoid disappointment.

npower was the first energy supplier to launch its own boiler scrappage scheme, matching the Government’s offer. This means consumers could be eligible to receive as much as £800 towards the cost of a new boiler when replacing one that is G rated – which could be almost a third off the cost of an installation. npower’s offer also extends to any boiler 10 years or older so even if it isn’t G-rated, homeowners can still enjoy a discount.

npower hometeam, which installs, services and repairs boilers, has already seen huge interest in the offer and it is expecting more now that Energy Saving Trust mailing has started.

Kevin Miles, CEO npower retail, said: “The scrappage scheme is great news for homeowners and the perfect opportunity to install a new energy efficient boiler to help cut your heating bills. If you want to take advantage of getting £800 off an installation, the important thing is to act fast or you could be disappointed. There’s approximately four million G-rated boilers in the UK*, but there’s only 125,000 grants available under the scheme. Our advice is don’t leave it too late, get it before it’s gone.”

For more details on the Energy Saving Trust £400 voucher please call 0800 512 012.
For further information on npower’s £400 offer please call 0800 0722 999.

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Cold Snap Will Push Up Energy Bills But Not Household Energy Prices

Households could see their winter fuel bills increase by GBP60 if the cold snap continues into February, but reports that energy prices could go up are a red herring says, the independent price comparison and switching service.

It costs £3 a day on average to heat a home, but estimates that this could increase by GBP1 a day as consumers contend with the current freezing conditions. If the cold snap lasts a fortnight it will add GBP14 on to household winter fuel bills. But if it lasts two months it could cost households an extra £60.

However, reports that household energy prices could go up as a result of increased demand are misleading – energy suppliers buy their energy around a year in advance and can meet the current short-term increase in demand by topping up on the daily spot market. This means that consumers do not need to worry about their prices going up in the short to medium term.

Tom Lyon, energy expert at, says: “If the cold snap continues through February it could add £60 on to household energy bills, but the cold snap would have to continue for far longer to have an impact on energy prices. Higher demand because of sub zero temperatures and the current rationing of energy to certain businesses does not mean suppliers will need to increase household energy prices. Hopefully this will reassure consumers, but our advice would be to think now about budgeting for an extra £60 for when the winter fuel bill drops through your letter box.”

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Bristan Makes Showering Green Again

Showers have long been promoted as more water and energy efficient than baths. However many modern shower systems use more water than consumers expect. According to the environment agency, a power shower can use over 60l of water in 5 minutes compared to 70l for a standard bath. Add to this the fact that many users stay in the shower far longer than 5 minutes or have more than 1 shower per day and the green credentials of showering look rather shaky.

The good news is Bristan has extended it’s ecosmart range of water efficient products with the launch of a new Bristan Eco shower handset model No. HAND100 ECO C.

Offering excellent value for money the stylish single function handset features a built-in flow limiter that instantly reduces water usage to six litres per minute. It can be fitted with any shower hose to deliver significant water savings while still allowing for an enjoyable showering experience. Available in chrome, the eco handset features rub clean nozzles for easy cleaning.

Quote from ‘Heating & Plumbing Monthly Nov 2009’

Judith Gibbons, head of marketing at Bristan, said:

“Greater awareness of the potential problem of water shortage is driving more people to think about how they can be more water efficient in the home. Our ecosmart range has been developed to make saving water as easy as possible for consumers and, as heating water accounts for around 25% of our energy bills, the range can help people save money too.”

GW Supplies (Gurney & White Ltd)  not only stock the Bristan ecosmart range of Taps, Showers and Flow Limiters but also sell similar products from ‘DEVA’ and ‘House of Ultra’. Visit their web site at to see the ranges of modern, stylish products that will not only enhance the look of a bathroom but will also save  money by saving water and energy thus reducing the household’s carbon footprint.

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Opus Energy Launches Gas Market Service

In response to customer demand, the UK’s largest independent business energy supplier, Opus Energy, has expanded its market portfolio to offer a new gas service to small and medium (SME) businesses.

The gas service offers customers a clear alternative to existing market suppliers and includes many of the popular benefits already available with Opus’ successful electricity products. Customers will have access to competitively priced, fixed-term contracts, shielding them from gas market price fluctuations. Existing electricity customers will continue to receive the same high standard of customer care with the ease of only having one supplier.

The energy supplier currently provides electricity to over 60,000 sites across the UK and entry into the gas market is proving successful. Since the first supply went live in the middle of October 2009, sales have exceeded expectations, with over 1,000 customers already signed up.

Opus Energy has the flexibility to buy gas from a number of market sources and is therefore able to respond quickly to market price changes, and pass cost-savings directly onto customers. The gas service will initially be marketed to existing and new SME customers.

Charlie Crossley Cooke, founder and Managing Director of Opus Energy, said:

“Opus Energy has successfully been supplying electricity to the business market for seven years. We’ve experienced significant growth based on our competitive pricing, exceptional level of customer service and an incremental growth strategy. We have responded to the high level of customer demand for gas products and will apply the same principles to ensure that we become a first rate gas supplier.

“The expansion of the gas service will be developed to ensure we continue to see overall company growth and maintain the high levels of customer service expected from Opus Energy.”

Businesses can receive a competitive online quote for gas services by visiting or calling 0845 0405810.

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Thin End of Wedge As GBP4.30 Added onto Electricity Bills

Energy regulator Ofgem has signed off investment in the regional electricity networks that will add GBP4.30 a year onto household electricity bills. However, this is just the thin end of a wedge warns a as it is a small part of a much broader GBP233.5 billion energy investment programme that is expected to add GBP548 a year in total onto consumer energy bills.

This could see household energy bills hit as high as GBP4,733 a year by 2020, nearly four times higher than they are today. Ofgem itself calculated that household energy bills could hit GBP2,000 a year as a result of investment, but recently described this as ‘over optimistic’.

Ann Robinson, Director of Consumer Policy at, says: “GBP4.30 a year may seem small fry, but in fact it’s a wake-up call for us all. This is just the beginning of a huge investment process that will lead to significantly higher household energy bills. The GBP5,000 a year energy bill may seem like an outside possibility, but we have to remember that energy bills doubled in the last five years alone and that the huge investment needed just to keep the lights on in Britain will alone add GBP548 a year onto our bills. The fact is we are entering a new era of high cost energy and households will have to adapt their behaviour accordingly.

“The Government has been banging the drum for energy efficiency for a while now, but consumers have been reluctant to spend money on these measures. As a result, energy efficiency has been massively underperforming even though it is one of the biggest defences we have against escalating energy costs. We also have a competitive energy market, and yet less than 5% of consumers are on the most competitive energy plans – most people are paying far more than they have to for the energy they use.

“This has to change. My advice to consumers is to invest in making your home more energy efficient, reduce the amount of energy you use and make sure you are paying the lowest possible price for it. Big projects such as a new energy efficient boiler or home insulation can be expensive, but the savings you make through cutting the price of your energy could be re-invested into energy efficiency measures so that you reap even greater rewards in the future.

“Don’t be put off. If cost is an issue, speak to your supplier to see if they can help – they have a pot of money available to help households with energy efficiency. Or contact the Energy Saving Trust for advice. The key thing is to start future-proofing yourself against higher energy bills now.”

Via EPR Network
More Energy press releases Comments on Today’s Announcement on Smart Meters, the independent price comparison and switching service, welcomes today’s announcement on smart meters, but believes there are still a number of issues that need to be ironed out before the launch. Prime importance is to ensure that the final specification of the meters will meet consumers’ needs and that enough focus is given to educating consumers on their use.

Ann Robinson, Director of Consumer Policy at, says: “The introduction of smart meters is a positive step forward in the drive to ensure that all households get accurate, up-to-date energy bills and have the information they need to be able to monitor and lower their energy usage.

“Today’s announcement shows that the Government and the energy industry are picking up the pace, although there are still a number of issues to iron out. The key concern for consumers is cost and how much the roll out of smart metering is likely to add to household energy bills. Our research shows that only 19% of consumers believe that a significant increase in household energy bills is a price worth paying and 57% of people are not even aware of what smart meters are. This suggests that without a proper education and consumer engagement programme there could be an uphill battle persuading households that they should be picking up the tab.

“There is much to be gained from the roll-out of smart meters so it’s vital that all parties involved keep their eye on the main prize which is the benefit it will bring to consumers and the competitive market. If households are to get maximum value the specification has to be right and designed to put easy-to-understand information at people’s finger tips, including historical usage data so they can manage their energy more easily, compare prices and find an energy plan or supplier that suits their needs. This is a huge opportunity for the industry to get consumers engaged in managing household energy, but there will only be one opportunity to get it right.”

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Concentration:FLABEG pools Know-How

FLABEG, the international glass finishing specialist, now provides its customers with even more transparency. With the formation of FLABEG Deutschland GmbH the company will concentrate its key competences in the field of automotive and technical glass, in future FLABEG GmbH will focus simultaneously on the development of the solar mirror business.

“The significant expansion of our worldwide business locations made it necessary to re-organize our key competences,” said Axel Buchholz, CEO of the FLABEG Group, explaining the new structure. The automotive and technical glass divisions will operate under the umbrella of FLABEG Deutschland GmbH. The mission: to create a powerful, flexible center of competence for partners in the automotive, consumer electronics and aerospace industries.

For FLABEG customers the pooling of expertise in the solar mirror business and the automotive, technical glass has distinct advantages. FLABEG provides its partners from consulting to support up to the individual precision solution all from one source. “Even with expansion, it is important for us to retain the flexibility and structure of a medium-sized company,” said Axel Buchholz. “Utilizing the concentrated development expertise of our all locations, we are able to produce tailor-made high-tech glass products for our customers in a timely manner. A key competitive advantage for FLABEG customers.”

FLABEG, founded in 1882, is an independent company with production facilities in Europe, America and Asia. FLABEG is an expert in all types of glass processing. Precision bending and coating are among the core competencies of the company.

Via EPR Network
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20% Of The Cost Of Most Domestic Electricity Bills Is From Lighting

Although energy-saving light bulbs are more expensive to buy than ordinary bulbs they can last up to 15 times longer, depending on the type of the bulb you buy.

Changing saves energy and thus money.

The November 2009 ©Which? report on Megaman® GSU111d 11w Dimmerable® (fully dimmable with standard dimmers) had this to say:

“Test score 75%. Megaman® GSU111d Dimmerable® Warm White 11W.

Pros. One of the best bulbs for starting up, this one produces a good amount of light quickly and light output meets the manufacturer’s claim. It lasts well, too – we test bulbs for up to 8,000 hours, and every one of the Megaman® bulbs lasted the duration. It handles frequent switching on and off well and can be used with dimmer switches.”

With many traditional light bulbs disappearing from the shops for good, now is the time to change to more energy-efficient lamps & bulbs.

In September the phase out of traditional bulbs started with 100w clear and most pearl/frosted wattages being discontinued, all others will go over the next few years.

The humble light bulb is dead….. to be replaced by more efficient lighting such as compact fluorescent lamps — known as CFLs, or energy-saving light bulbs.

This has caused a lot of consumer concerns. Gurney & White Ltd, stockist of Megaman energy efficient light bulbs, have provided answers to the most frequently asked questions:

Q. For how long will I be able to buy ordinary bulbs?

A. 75W clear bulbs will be phased out from 1 September 2010, 60W clear bulbs from 1 September 2011, and all remaining clear bulbs from 1 September 2012.”

Q. Can I get energy-saving bulbs in different shapes?

A. Yes. You can get a variety of shapes including globe, golf ball, twisted and candle shapes.

Q. Do low-energy bulbs start at full brightness or do they need to warm up?

A. Some bulbs produce more than 40% of their claimed light output within the first few seconds, but others take longer to warm up. Megaman Dimmerable lamps have a quick start-up.

Q. Where can I dispose of low-energy light bulbs?

A. Compact fluorescent lamps contain a small amount of mercury, which is a hazardous material, so they must not be thrown in your domestic rubbish bin. You can dispose of used bulbs at more than 90% of civil amenity sites.

GW supplies has a wide range of energy saving bulbs and because they can buy in bulk they can offer excellent prices.

Via EPR Network
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40% Drop In Heating Cover Could Leave Consumers Out In The Cold

•Financial gamble: number of people taking out heating cover on their boilers has dropped 40% in the last year

•Safety gamble: 42% ignore industry safety advice to get boilers checked once a year, risking carbon monoxide poisioning

•No peace of mind: two thirds of households (65%) don’t have any form of emergency heating cover

•Paying the price: nearly one in three boilers breaks down within six years of being installed, cost of replacing four key boiler parts can reach £1200.

As winter bites and with people still feeling the bitter chill of recession, new research from, the independent price and comparison switching service, reveals a 40% drop in the number of people taking out or renewing heating cover compared to this time last year. As a result more than two thirds (65%) of households do not have any type of heating or boiler cover in place, potentially taking a risk with their finances and their health.

Nearly one in three boilers breaks down within six years of being installed, and the cost of repair can spiral up to £1,200 to replace the four key boiler parts. In comparison, the average yearly cost of heating cover comes in at £122 or just over £10 a month.

However, this isn’t the only risk. Gas boilers should be serviced every year to minimise the risk of carbon monoxide poisioning, but 42% of households ignore these guidelines. Worryingly, one in ten – almost three million households – have never had their boiler serviced while the same number again have only ever had their boiler looked at when it’s gone wrong. According to the Gas Safe Register (which has taken over from Corgi), in the last year 14 people have died from carbon monoxide poisoning and 234 have suffered health problems after being exposed to the deadly gas. Recommended counter measures include having an annual gas safety check and installing a carbon monoxide alarm.

Will Marples, energy expert at, says: “Household budgets continue to be stretched, but what seems like an easy saving could cost you dearly in the long term. Those who have cancelled or decided against cover might think they are just taking a chance with their money, but if they are also not getting their boiler checked they are taking a chance with their health.

Via EPR Network
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FLABEG Solar U.S. Corp. Opens New Solar Mirror Plant

FLABEG, global leader in high-tech glass and mirror applications, is opening a new production facility for solar mirrors which are used to help generate electricity at large-scale solar power plants. The new 209.00sq.ft manufacturing facility is erected in the Clinton Commerce Park near Pittsburgh International Airport.

The factory will have a annual capacity to deliver parabolic curved mirrors up to 450 MW for PT plants. This production site is therefore equipped to produce tempered solar mirrors in addition to the established monoliths, untempered mirrors.

“Our philosophy has undergone no change, nevertheless we want to be fully prepared for all possible changes in the law,” commenting FLABEG CEO Axel Buchholz on the extended production range. “We expect some federal states will introduce standards for safety glass for Concentrated Solar Power applications. Our core production will remain with untempered solar mirrors.”

Field tests indicate a breakage rate of 0.027% for FLABEG untempered solar mirrors. At such low levels breakage is not an issue.

“As always FLABEG continues to keep abreast oft he changing demands of the market,” says Buchholz. The facility will in future also be home to thinglass applications for Solar Dishes and Concentrated PV and also flat mirrors for Power Tower heliostats and Linear Fresnel power plants.

Via EPR Network
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Home Owners Find Energy Bill Cuts in Surprising Ways

Again, San Diego Gas & Electric raised its base rates for electricity and natural gas by some $136 million in 2008. We are also expecting successive annual base rate hikes of $44 million in 2010 and an additional $44 million in 2011. For the average residential customer, that translates to a 7% increase in their electricity bills from last year with additional raises in years ahead. While some homeowners are getting into buying expensive solar panels that will pay for themselves in 10 to 30 years, other rate-hike victims are finding energy cuts in surprising ways.

Your Solar Link was started by a LEED accredited professional and designers in an effort to educate local homeowners on the best available solar gadgets on the market.

“As a homeowner, I never thought that those little garden electric lights that are placed along my garden pathway actually can cost me up to $140 a year on my electricity bill? I do not need so much light to light up that trail, but the benefit of using solar pathway lights is enormous”, says Barbara White, who just purchased her first solar pathway lights that cost her only $64.99 for a set of 4.

Your Solar Link started as a hobby but quickly grew into something more. It became a place of contribution by its members and their clients. Your Solar Link doesn’t just sell solar powered products; it plants a TREE for every solar light that is purchased. So not only do you get the benefits of free energy, but you become part of a bigger movement for the future of our planet.

“It’s that simple, replacing your outdoor electric water fountain pump with a solar powered pump will save you around $100 a year. You can find little things around your house that can generate a pretty substantial amount of cash in your pocket by the end of a year: your garage light, your motion sensor lights, your lit home address or lit mailbox, spot lights for your trees, you name it! It adds up every quickly” says Mario Villalobos, one of the founders of Your Solar Link. “I am also surprised that the government, which is so concerned about night sky light pollution, is not interested more in using solar lights. Solar lights are easy to install, cost almost as much as a regular lights and are not as expensive as solar panel systems. Solar lights don’t emit as much light into the atmosphere as conventional electric lights, thus clearing up the sky at night. ”

What’s next for Your Solar Link? “We are in the process of setting up a recycling program for used solar lights. Some of the old solar lights that were sold before us, because of the poor quality, will be thrown out soon. We are looking into figuring out a way to take them apart and to recycle solar lights components,” the Team of Your Solar Link concluded.

For more information on Your Solar Link products visit:

Via EPR Network
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