Category Archives: Battery

MaxiCharger AC-Wallbox: eine durchdachte, komfortable und langlebige Ladelösung für Elektroautos

MÜNCHEN, 10-Aug-2022 — /EPR ENERGY NEWS/ — Autel ist heute die weltweite Nummer 1 in den Bereichen Kfz-Diagnose, Batterie-Analyse-Systeme und Digitale Reparaturlösungen. Das Unternehmen entwickelt unter anderem intelligente Ladesysteme, die neuartige Technologie mit herausragendem Design kombinieren.

Mit dem Autel MaxiCharger AC hat das Unternehmen nun ein hochmodernes, vielseitiges AC-Ladegerät für Elektroautos auf den Markt gebracht. Als MaxiCharger AC-Wallbox lässt es sich innen wie außen montieren und deckt somit jedes denkbare Ladeszenario ab – von Wohnbereich und Garage über den Arbeitsplatz bis hin zu gewerblichen Parkplätzen und Autowerkstätten.

Mit der MaxiCharger AC-Wallbox lassen sich Elektroautos schnell und sicher aufladen. Die Weltneuheit von Autel ist für Fahrzeuge mit dem Ladestecker Typ 2 geeignet, somit deckt sie die wichtigsten Ladestandards ab und ist mit praktisch allen aktuellen Elektroautos kompatibel. Es ist erhältlich in den drei Leistungsstufen 7 kW, 11 kW und 22 kW.

Zu den Vorteilen des MaxiCharger zählt unter anderem ein hoher Sicherheitsstandard: Eine dreifache Schutztechnologie mit Echtzeit-Überwachung gewährleistet das sichere Aufladen, vermeidet ein Überladen der Batterie und schützt diese zuverlässig vor Schäden. Das aktive Lastmanagement und der dynamische Lastausgleich der Wallbox sorgen außerdem dafür, dass mehrere Autos gleichzeitig laden können – ohne schädliche Leistungsspitzen.

Dank IP65-Schutzklasse ist der MaxiCharger AC jederzeit sicher vor Staub, Öl und Wasser geschützt und meistert problemlos den Außenbetrieb. Sein branchenführender AI-Algorithmus und eine intelligente Batterie-Diagnose-Technologie verlängern die Akkulebensdauer um bis zu 20 Prozent.

Die MaxiCharger AC-Wallbox zählt als Investition zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz und erfüllt die Kriterien für eine KfW-Förderung. Die KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) ist eine der führenden Förderbanken der Welt, die nachhaltige Modernisierungsprojekte mit zins­günstigen Krediten oder Zuschüssen unterstützt.

Ein besonderes Merkmal des MaxiCharger AC ist auch der hohe Komfort: Das Gerät lässt sich innerhalb von nur 8 Minuten leicht installieren. Zum Leistungsumfang der Firmware gehören dabei auch die Fernaktualisierung sowie eine Fehlerbehebung. Mit der zugehörigen Autel Charge App überwachen Kunden auch außerhalb der Sichtweite des MaxiCharger AC ganz bequem das Laden, checken den Zustand des Akkus und verwalten sogar mehrere Ladegeräte gleichzeitig.

Mit seinem fortschrittlichen und modernen Design überzeugt der MaxiCharger AC übrigens auch rein optisch. Aus diesem Grund wurde er mit dem reddot Design Award 2022 ausgezeichnet.

Die Produktionskapazität für die MaxiCharger AC-Wallbox beträgt derzeit bis zu 1.200.000 Einheiten pro Jahr und kann noch weiter gesteigert werden. Selbstverständlich ist das fortschrittliche und intelligente Gerät auch in Deutschland verfügbar: mit MediaMarkt und Saturn sogar bei zwei der wichtigsten Online und Einzelhandelspartner für Elektronik im deutschen Markt.

Über Autel 

Die Autel Automotive Intelligence Group wurde im Jahr 2004 gegründet. Das Unternehmen ist heute mit seinem integrierten Marketingnetz in mehr als 70 Ländern und Regionen weltweit vertreten. Autel unterhält zwei Produktionsstätten im Guangming-Distrikt der Stadt Shenzhen, China, sowie in Haiphong, Vietnam, mit einer Fläche von 15.000 Quadratmetern bzw. 20.067 Quadratmetern.

Die Unternehmensgruppe unterhält enge Geschäftsbeziehungen zu den vier großen Autoteile-Einzelhandelsketten wie Advanced Auto Parts und Genuine Parts sowie zu großen integrierten Großhändlern auf dem nordamerikanischen Kfz-Ersatzteilmarkt, darunter MedcoTool und Integrated Supply Network. Darüber hinaus deckt das Autel Netzwerk mit seinen Produkten den Bedarf von mehr als 500.000 unabhängigen Werkstätten ab. Die Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung machen heute mehr als 15 % des Umsatzes aus. Mehr als 60 Prozent der Mitarbeiter arbeiten bereits im F&E-Bereich.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Hydrogen: EH Group Engineering AG gets a EU grant to boost its innovative fuel cell technology

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, 3-Mar-2020 — /EPR ENERGY NEWS/ — EH Group Engineering AG is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a grant from the European Commission as part of the highly competitive Horizon 2020 Accelerator program to boost the development of our innovative fuel cell technology. The project, which is planned for a duration of two years has an overall budget of EUR 2.1M and is focused on bringing our fuel cell technology to mass commercialisation.

EH Group’s core fuel cell technology is based on:

  • A uniquely simplified and re-designed FC stack at the micro level, making it significantly more compact, lightweight and efficient. It also simplifies overall FC system architecture making it more efficient and substantially cheaper. Our first-generation product already delivers market-leading power density.
  • A completely new concept of fuel cell stack design and assembly with high micro precision, integrating proprietary machinery that enables a sharp reduction of production
    costs at scale.
  • Our FC technology can operate with minimal effects of gravity and in any orientation, making it a great candidate in the automotive, space and aviation sectors as a power generator.

In the words of Mardit Matian, founder of EH Group, “One of the major historical and current challenges of commercialising fuel cell technology has been cost. We believe EH Group will significantly influence the market by achieving significant cost reductions and hence more rapid industrialisation of hydrogen-based technology. Our product offering can be used in stationary applications such as commercial buildings, data centres, etc. Furthermore, due to its compactness, our technology will be a front-running candidate for mobile applications (buses, trucks, forklifts, trains, ferries, etc.) where weight and volume reduction are two key criteria.”

EH Group Engineering AG, based near Lausanne, Switzerland was founded in 2017. It is focused on the design, development and production of an innovative fuel cell technology. In addition, EH Group provides engineering services relating to hydrogen mobility and stationary projects, as well as innovative technology for the production of hydrogen.

EU H2020

EU H2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 945810 – EHSTACK.

For further information please, visit or contact us at

SOURCE: EuropaWire


Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2018-Jan-15 — /EPR ENERGY NEWS/ — When you need to recharge yourself and your 12V system, look no further than an Adventure Kings Solar charging system.

We have pioneered a range that starts from a simple 10W USB solar charger to a fully fledged 250W output array with MPPT Regulation for absolute maximum output to give you the options to power your setup no matter what you take camping with you.

All Adventure Kings Solar panels use Monocrystalline silicone cell construction which is the most efficient panel design available remaining lightweight and compact whilst still outputting effective power for use at home or in the bush.

We have fully standalone systems that include a solar regulator in both hard framed designs or the more flexible folding solar blankets which are excellent for space saving in the back of your vehicle or for emergency use.

We even have a fully customisable 110W Hard mounted system that includes fittings so you can easily and permanently mount it to your vehicle, camper trailer, campervan, caravan or boat with your choice of solar regulator.

We stock both the easy to operate low cost PWM style of regulator that has become the standard across the industry, or you can upgrade to one of our high efficiency, high output MPPT style regulators which gives you up to 30% more efficiency in cloudy or overcast conditions ensuring you get the most out of your solar setup no matter what the weather conditions.

Adventure Kings maintains its reputation for supplying functional camping setups whilst also still offering some of the most affordable solar setups available to the Australian market!

Whatever your 12V setup, Adventure Kings has a Solar charging system to efficiently top up your batteries and run accessories, with zero running costs and zero noise, whilst you kick back and relax and enjoy your favorite campsite in peace and quiet….When you are looking for a solar panel setup, you can’t look past an Adventure Kings Solar setup.

When you’re building a tourer or planning a campsite in your head, solar panels should always be a consideration – they are a source of free, limitless power after all – but how do you know what panel to choose!?

Luckily Adventure Kings has a wide range of panels, that won’t break the bank.

There are two main considerations to make when choosing a solar panel – how much power you use and how much space you have to pack your panel/s.

First, to calculate your requirements, consider how many 12 volt accessories you use at camp.

Generally all electrical products will have a wattage listed (check for a sticker near the power cord) you can use this wattage to calculate the real-time amps the product will use while it’s on. Some products may also list an Amp/Hour rating which simply gives an average on the total amount of amps used per hour the product is turned on. For example, the Adventure Kings 60L fridge/freezer is rated to use less than 1 amp/hour when the interior is set at 5°C and the outside temperature is 32°C.

So let’s work through an example:

You arrive at camp at 6pm on Friday, and it’s 32°C – your fridge is down to temperature at 5°C thanks to being plugged in while you drive and you’re ready for an icy cold beverage while you light the campfire, roll out your swag and set up the awning. Then you set up an Illuminator Strip Light and as the sun sets you turn it on and wind it down for ambient light.

As the temperature drops into the night your fridge will use less power, but every time you open it for a bevvy it has to work to cool back down again, so we’ll assume the fridge is using the rated 0.83Amp/Hours all night and into the morning. 6pm to 8am the fridge has used around 12 amp hours. The Illuminator strip light was on for 5 hours total and uses 0.4A at its low level for a total of 2A

So between 6pm and 8am you used 14 Amps total – whether you have a 98AH or 115AH deep cycle battery you’ve still got plenty of juice.

But throughout the next day your fridge will continue to use power. Between 8am Saturday and 8am Sunday it will use another 24 Amps. Add another 5 hours of strip light use for 2Amps and add in a phone charge using a cig socket USB adapter rated at 12W – that’s another Amp per hour your phone is on charge. In this case your phone is charged in 2 hours so that’s another 2Amps. Plus you use your Thumper to inflate some inner tubes to relax and float in the river – you use your Thumper for 15 minutes. To calculate the amps used per hour, you find the instantaneous power listed on the sticker (45Amps) and because you’ve used it for a quarter of an hour, calculate one quarter of 45. For this example we’ll call it 12Amp/Hours.

So Saturday to Sunday morning 8am you’ve used 40Amp/Hours – combine this with the Friday night total 14Amps and you’re looking at 54Amp/Hours – at this point your Deep cycle battery has used over 55% capacity if you’ve got the 98AH battery, and over 46% capacity if you’re using a 115AH battery.

You’re planning to leave camp at 4pm so the fridge still needs to be powered by your battery for a further eight hours. That’s another 8Amp/Hours, bringing the total weekend use up to 62Amp/Hours. 63% of your 98AH battery and 53% of your 115AH battery – you should definitely add a solar panel to keep those batteries charged!

Now you can look at the output of the different solar panels available.

4WD Supacentre offers a 110W fixed solar panel, a 120W Folding Solar blanket (with PWM regulator) a 160W Folding solar kit (with PWM regulator) and a 250W folding solar panel kit (with PWM regulator). The table below shows their maximum charging amperage (assuming the same PWM regulator for all panels) as well as the estimated total Amp/Hours after 6,8 and 10 hours of sun light.

So even six hours of sunlight on the Saturday and Sunday and your battery will have recharged at least 72A/H with a 110W Fixed Solar Panel (with added PWM regulator.) This would cover your power usage and keep your batteries charged. Of course, this is only a guide and your actual consumption may vary depending on many factors including, but not limited to, the outside temperature, fridge temperature, battery condition, wiring size and condition, solar panel angle and position etc etc.

The second consideration is the amount of space you have in your vehicle – for smaller vehicles, a 120W portable Solar blanket is perfect as it packs down to a compact size and still packs a punch.

For permanent mounting solar panels, the choice is obvious – a 110W fixed solar panel (or two!) These feature a thicker aluminium frame and don’t come with a regulator so you can connect your own, use a DC to DC charger and even connect multiple.

For bigger vehicle where space is less of a priority a 160 or 250 watt folding solar panel is ideal. You can set these at varying angles to catch the sun, and they mean you can park in the shade and have your panel in the sun doing the hard work! They also provide plenty of power for bigger camp setups or hotter conditions where your fridge is working more to keep your drinks cool.

Via EPR Network
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EPR Energy News is a new blog, part of EPR Network, that is going to be focused on and will be covering the energy news and stories from press releases published on EPR Network.

EPR Network (EPR stands for express press release) is one of the nation’s largest press release distribution networks on Web. The EPR’s nationwide network includes 12 State based PR sites, one major PR forum and a number of industry specific PR blogs and what started as a hobby on Internet years ago turned out to be a rapidly growing business today. EPR Network is also known as one of the most trusted (human optimized, published, edited and monitored, spam/scam/low quality PR content free) PR sites on the web with more than 10,000 company and individual press releases distributed per month. EPR Network is putting your press releases on top of all major search engines’ results and is reaching thousands of individuals, companies, PR specialists, media professionals, bloggers and journalists every day.

EPR Network has thousands of clients around the world including global 500 corporations like Hilton Hotels, Barclays Bank, AXA Insurance, Tesco UK, eBay/Skype, Emirates, just to name a few. The network’s PR web sites are currently reaching from 150,000 to sometimes 500,000 unique visitors per month while our viral reach could possibly go to as much as 1M people per month through our presence across various social media sites. EPR Network was established in 2004 and as of May 2008 it had more than 800,000 press releases (pages) published on its network.

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